Selected Publications
Mary Ellen S. Capek and Molly Mead. Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality. (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2006).
Mary Ellen S. Capek, editor. A Women’s Thesaurus: An Index of Language Used to Describe and Locate Information By and About Women. (New York: Harper & Row, 1987). Paperback edition Harper & Row, 1989. See Post: “Mary Ellen S. Capek Oral History Interview, 2022” about her work on this project.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. Writing in Context. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976).
Mary Ellen S. Capek, “Tackling Tripwires,” State of the Work: Inspiration & Ideas for Advancing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Philanthropy (D5, 2013), 17.
Mary Ellen Capek. “Organizations Need to ‘Lean in’ Too.” Stanford Social Innovation Review 19th Anniversary (March 28, 2013).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. Book Review, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes and Consequences of the Transfer of Wealth, by Susan U. Raymond and Mary Beth Martin (Eds.) Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 38, 1 (February 2009), 164-167.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “One Size Does Not Fit All.” Book Review, Nonprofit Trusteeship in Different Contexts, by Rikki Abzug and Jeffrey S. Simonoff. Nonprofit Management & Leadership 17,1 (Fall 2006), 117-119.
Mary Ellen S. Capek and Alex Plinio. Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector Scan (Newark NJ: Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Leadership (now Institute for Ethical Leadership), Rutgers Business School, 2006).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Documenting Women’s Giving: Biases, Barriers, and Benefits.” Chapter in Women, Philanthropy, and Social Change: Journey to A Just Society, edited by Elayne Clift. (Dartmouth, NH: University Press of New England, 2005).
Mary Ellen S. Capek and Molly Mead. “Funding Norm Doesn’t Fund Norma: Women, Girls, and Philanthropy.” Chapter in The State of Philanthropy in America. (Washington DC: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, 2002).
Mary Ellen S. Capek and Molly Mead. Fostering Effective Funding for Women and Girls: A Next Stage Strategy. (Chicago: Chicago Women in Philanthropy, 2002 and WWW.WFNET.ORG and WWW.WOMENPHIL.ORG).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Philanthropy.” In Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women’s Studies: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge, edited by Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender. (New York: Routledge, 2000).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. Women and Philanthropy: Old Stereotypes and New Challenges. A Monograph Series. Volume One: Women as Donors: Stereotypes, Common Sense, and Challenges; Volume Two: Foundation Support for Women and Girls: “Special Interest” Funding or Effective Philanthropy?; Volume Three: The Women’s Funding Movement: Accomplishments and Challenges. (Battle Creek MI: Kellogg Foundation, 1998 and WWW.WFNET.ORG and WWW.WOMENPHIL.ORG, 1999).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women.” The Women’s Review of Books. 16.2 (November 1998), 1, 6-7.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. Who Benefits, Who Decides? An Agenda for Improving Philanthropy: The Case for Women and Girls. Co-Editor with Susan A. Hallgarth. (New York: National Council for Research on Women, 1995).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Post-Tweeds, Pipes, and Textosterone: Perspectives on Feminism, Literary Studies, and the Academy,” in The Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship, Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender, eds. (New York: Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1992).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Pricking Pomposity.” Transforming Knowledge by Elizabeth Minnich (Temple University Press, 1990) book review in New Directions for Women, May/June 1991.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “In the Gift Horse’s Mouth.” The Women’s Review of Books 8.3 (December 1990), 12-13.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Women and Words: Lists of Our Language.” NWSA Journal 2.3 (Summer 1990), 476-484.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Wired Words: Developing an Online Thesaurus and Database for Improving Access to Women’s Information Resources,” in Communications at the Crossroads: the Gender Gap Connection, Ramona Rush and Donna Allen, eds. (Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1989).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Women as Trustees,” commissioned chapter for the Russell Sage Task Force on Women in Higher Education, published in Women in Academe: Progress and Prospects, Mariam K. Chamberlain, ed. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1989).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “The Uses of Privilege.” The Women’s Review of Books 2.6 (March 1985): 11-12.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “The Last Word.” AGB Reports (The Journal of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges) 26.6 (November/December 1984): 46-48.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “College and University Trusteeship in New Jersey: Influential Service.” Networking (Spring 1983): 4-5.
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Higher Education Administrators in New Jersey: A Preliminary Analysis of Research Findings,” Princeton University in cooperation with the American Council on Education (1982).
Mary Ellen S. Capek. “Presidential Leadership: Strategies for Change.” Networking Special Supplement (Winter 1982).