Thinking Out Loud

Ways of Knowing Oral History Collection Interview: Mary Ellen S. Capek

Mary Ellen S. Capek discusses her career, the development of A Women’s Thesaurus, and her work with the National Council for Research on Women. She was editor and coordinator of the “Women’s Thesaurus” Task Force. She describes her work with colleagues on the task force, including Sarah Pritchard, Sue Searing, Cheryl Sloan, and Pat King.

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Some Post-Election Thoughts

So many friends, family, neighbors, and posts on social media have expressed bewilderment at the election results: they’ve been in mourning, wondering “where our country went.” I’ve moved through a wide range of emotions since Tuesday: disbelief, despair, fear, thoughts of moving to Canada, Mexico, or Ireland (where I can apply for a passport because

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Seeing “Things Not There”

August 3, 2024 I woke up this morning worrying about sharing as much as I’m sharing on this website. I’ve spent most of my efforts over the years either behind the scenes or organizing/researching/writing. But NOT putting myself on display, except teaching or making presentations or the occasional speech. But I need to understand better

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Why I am Publishing LOVE LESSONS

I’ve been a closet poet ever since high school. I’ve published a few poems, mostly over the last five years, but it wasn’t until a friend suggested I think about selecting and publishing a collection of my poems that I took these seriously enough to do something. In spite of my life long love of

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